You’ve seen it everywhere from newspapers and magazines, emails and banner ads, billboards and flyers, those images that convey a message or add a creative design element are often stock images. Stock photography is a collection of concepts, people, places and events that can be used and reused for commercial design purposes. Publishers, web designers, graphic artists, interior decor firms, corporate creative groups can all use stock photography to fulfill their needs. By using stock photography customers can save valuable time and money on their creative projects.

Some uses of our photos:

As part of a video on the Food Network both online and television.

Food Network Example from DSM Photography

On from DSM Photography

Royalty Free Stock Photography is a concept whereby the end user of the images pays a single one time license fee to use an image and does not have to pay any additional royalty for repeated use of the images. The buyer does not own the copyright of the images (it remains the property of the photographer) but they have bought a license granting them the right to use the images legally without further payments or interruption from the seller as long as the use complies with the terms and conditions of the licensing agencies End User Agreement (EULA). The EULA protect both the model and photographer from images being used in pornographic, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful or immoral content.

If you shoot TFP a Model Release will be required and some of the images created at that shoot may be offered as Royalty Free Stock.

Please feel free to contact us with your ideas and interests so that we can discuss how we can work together.